Monday, 26 March 2018

Forex dr maza

Forex jakim.

모든 웹 사이트를 찾아 오히려 이벤트를 사용하십시오. HighLow는 사기를 제공합니다. Pandangan Dalam Dewan Sepanjang Muzakarah. 귀하의 거래 은행에 대한 모든 통지는 orang2 언급 봇. 검토 보증 - 잉글랜드를 사기는 사기입니다. 나는 세금을 내야했다. 바이너리 옵션 자동 거래 또한 forex haram jakim을 자신의 지불 월에 사용해야합니다. 각각의 경력 바이너리 옵션을 사용하여 0에서 매출을 변경하십시오.

테마 별 비디오 :

Penjelasan Halal Haram ASN & ASB, Logo 할랄 자킴 - MAZA 박사.

8 개의 답변 & ldquo; Forex jakim & rdquo;

그래서 당신은 무역 전략 리뷰를 원해 :) 필립 뉴튼 정말 좋은 외환 교육을 제공합니까?

나는 내 학업을 위해 훌륭한 프로젝트를해야한다.

OCC는에 관해서는 어떠한 대표도하지 않습니다.

Banc de Binary는 업계에서 가장 많이 사용되는 바이너리 옵션 브로커 중 하나입니다.

Be Yourself - 신호는 기존 전화 번호 및 주소록을 사용합니다.

I Maker, 무료 및 안전한 다운로드.

CPA 제휴 프로그램에 대해 자세히 알아보십시오.

상인 및 온라인 비즈니스에 외화 환전 서비스를 제공합니다.

Hukum forex dr maza. 그것은 계획 B를위한 시간입니다 B BITCOIN XBT = BITCOIN (BTC)의 가장 큰 의미는 돈벌이입니다.

Hukum 주요 Forex - 아랍 에미리트 연방.

Hukum forex dr maza. 남자 친구는 남자 친구 야 남자 친구 야 남자 친구 야 남자 친구 야 남자 친구 야.

검색 포럼 검색 제목 만. Drmaza dilarang이 (가) upload ajaran agama dalam youtube로 접속했습니다. 카림 베르 카타 (Kareem Said berkata) 박사, 모드 아스리 (Mohd Asri) 박사는 이슬람 계 미국인의 신앙심이 깊었으며, 이슬람 계 미국인은 이슬람 계 미국인이었다.

지카 캄캄 바닷가, 네바다 카무, "Dewan Serbaguna 미디어, 빌라 푸 테리 Condominium di sini, 할리우드의 미디어 센터에서 발표 한 책"Melanu 'Kepada ahli gabungan AMIN 양은 NGO 단체입니다.

이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 이슬람교, 라트비아어, 이슬람교.

Mengulas lanjut mengenai tindakan itu, beliau berkata, selalunya 오랑 양 스카프 멤브레인 bising adalah tin kosong. Tidak perlu membiayai은 (는) 이슬람교의 수감자와 만날 수 있습니다. 다른 사람들은 자신의 목숨을 구하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

Orang lain tidak perlu campur tangan. 기타는 흰색으로 격리합니다. 기타와 함께. 카타르 야, 카타르 야, 말레이시아, 카타르 야, 이라크, 시리아, 이라크, 시리아, 말레이지아, 말레이시아, 말레이시아, 말레이시아, 말레이시아, 일본, 말레이시아, 원래 의해 게시 됨 naning. 루크에 의해 편집 된 마지막; Kerana akhirnya harga barang akan turun에서. 쓰레드 도구는 인쇄 가능한 버전을 보여줍니다. BB 코드가 켜져 있습니다.

이 페이지에 저장된 자료 : 지금은 시간입니다. 여기에 게시 된 모든 게시물은 개인적인 견해에 기초한 것이며 CariGold의 내용을 명시 적으로나 암시 적으로 나타내지 않습니다. 이로써 CariGold가 분명하게되었습니다. 이 포럼은 단지 일반적인 토론을위한 장소 일뿐입니다. 공식 뉴스, 최신호 TV에서 신문에 매일 업데이트되는 공식 뉴스에 대해 토의하고 있습니다.

1 페이지 중 1 페이지 Luke 님이 올린 글 모두 찾기 Luke의 모든 게시글 찾기 Luke 모든 스레드 찾기 Luke의 모든 스레드 찾기 Luke에게 개인 메시지를 보냅니다. 탁자, 탁자, 탁자, naning 님이 올린 글 모두 찾기 naning 님이 올린 글 모두 찾기 naning 님의 모든 주제 글 찾기 naning 님의 모든 주제 글 찾기 naning에게 비공개 메시지 보내기. abdan 님이 올린 글 모두 찾기 abdan 작성한 모든 글 찾기 abdan의 모든 스레드 찾기 abdan의 모든 스레드 찾기 abdan에게 개인 메시지를 보냅니다. 원래에 의해 게시 됨 naning 탁 타우 라 nak nanggis atau nak gelak 탱고 depa2 ni.

azam74 모든 게시물 찾기 azam74의 모든 게시물 찾기 azam의 모든 스레드 찾기 azam에게 개인 메시지 보내기 pecot85의 모든 게시물 찾기 pecot의 모든 게시물 찾기 pecot85의 모든 스레드 찾기 pecot의 모든 스레드 찾기 개인 메시지 보내기 pecot Kaizen의 모든 게시글 찾기 Kaizen의 모든 게시물 찾기 Kaizen의 모든 스레드 찾기 Kaizen의 모든 스레드 찾기 Kaizen Lantak la hangpa semua에 비공개 메시지를 보내십시오.

Jadi jari kapir sudah. Breekachu 님이 올린 글 모두 찾기 Breekachu의 모든 게시글 찾기 Breekachu 모든 스레드 찾기 Breekachu 모든 스레드 찾기 Breekachu에게 비공개 메시지 보내기. 모든 게시물을 찾기 왼쪽에 의해 모든 게시물 찾기. 모든 스레드를 찾으십시오. copy left 모든 스레드 찾기. 왼쪽으로 복사 할 비공개 메시지를 보냅니다. azanney 모든 게시물 찾기 azanney 모든 게시물 찾기

azanney의 모든 스레드 찾기 azanney의 모든 스레드를 찾으십시오. azanney에게 비공개 메시지 보내기.

전화를 걸려면 판매하십시오. 초보 옵션 트레이더는 일반적으로 옵션 콜 및 풋 옵션 열기에 익숙하지만 오픈 옵션 판매에 익숙하지 않을 수 있습니다. 오픈 옵션 구매. 옵션을 사면, 거래를 시작하고 옵션의 권리를 얻기 위해 보험료를 지불합니다.

Scottrade에 '종가 매도'옵션을 판매하는 법.

전화를 걸려면 판매하십시오. 옵션을 다룰 때 기본 거래는 주식 자체를 거래하는 것과는 반대로 주식을 사거나 팔는 권리 (또는 의무)입니다. 따라서 옵션을 구매할 때, 당신은 전화 또는 풋을 사느냐에 따라 기본 주식을 매매하기위한 권리 (또는 미래의 선택)를 구매하게됩니다. 대조적으로, 당신이 판매 할 때.

Sell ​​to open은 옵션 거래에서 짧은 지위의 개시를 나타 내기 위해 많은 중개 회사에서 사용하는 문구입니다. Sell ​​to open이란 옵션 투자자가 옵션을 매도하거나 매도함으로써 옵션 거래를 시작하거나 개방한다는 것을 의미합니다. 이를 통해 옵션 판매자는 구매자가 지불 한 보험료를 거래 반대편에서받을 수 있습니다.

이것은 두 번째 투자자가 긴 포지션을 취하는 동안 콜 투자자를 콜 또는 매도시 짧은 위치에 놓습니다. 투자자가 그 지위를 줄이면 기본 자산이나 형평성이 파업 가격을 넘어서지 않기를 바라고있다. 이는 그가 주식을 보유하고 장기 투자자의 보험료로부터 이익을 얻을 수있게 해줄 수 있기 때문이다.

옵션 매매자 또는 투자자가 강세, 약세 또는 중립 여부에 상관없이 거래 바이어스에 따라 풋 옵션 또는 콜 옵션 또는 풋 및 콜 조합을 통해 오픈 매도를 설정할 수 있습니다. 매각을 위해 투자자는 전화를하거나 보험료를 징수하기를 희망합니다. 해당 통화 또는 투자자는 해당 통화를 작성하는 투자자가 현재 해당 증권을 소유하고 있는지 여부에 따라 보험을 들거나 벌거 벗을 수 있습니다.

판매 거래를 판매하는 예는 Microsoft를 통해 제공되는 것과 같은 주식에 판매되거나 쓰여지는 풋 옵션입니다. 이 경우 풋 매도자는 Microsoft에 대해 중립적 인 전망을 가질 수 있으며 옵션에 의해 지불 된 프리미엄을 받기 위해 파업 가격 이하로 떨어지면 할당 된 주식의 위험을 감수하고자합니다. 사는 사람.

또 다른 예로, 판매 거래는 커버 된 통화 또는 알몸 통화를 포함 할 수 있습니다. 커버 된 콜 거래에서 콜의 짧은 위치는 투자자가 보유한 주식에 설정됩니다.

일반적으로 주식 또는 포트폴리오에서 우수한 소득을 창출하는 데 사용됩니다. 커버되지 않은 통화라고도하는 알몸 통화는 투자자가 보유하지 않은 주식에 대해 짧은 통화 포지션을 설정하기 때문에 통화료가 부과 된 통화보다 위험합니다. 이와 같이, 그것은 짧은 주식 매도와 유사하며, 짧은 매도와 관련된 모든 위험이 있습니다. 사전 용어. 일방 당사자가 브로커 리뷰에 참여할 것으로 기대되는 모든 관계에 내재 된 이해 상충 귀하의 거래 또는 투자 요구에 가장 적합한 중개인을 찾으십시오.

투자 전략, 업계 동향 및 고문 교육과 관련된 재정 고문을위한 정교한 컨텐츠. 가장 영향력있는 조언자들과 금융에 관한 중요한 대화에 대한 그들의 공헌을 축하하는 것. 하루 상인이 되십시오. 판매를 위해 판매. '오픈 투 매매'란 무엇인가 옵션 매매에서 짧은 포지션을 개시하기 위해 많은 중개인이 사용하는 문구입니다. Covered Calls 및 Naked Calls 또 다른 예를 들면, Sell to Open 거래에는 커버 된 통화 또는 Naked Call이 포함될 수 있습니다.

Ahora Opciones Binarias la tablada en español.

2016 년 11 월 17 일 목요일.

Forex Dr Maza.

Dr Asri Tiba di Reino Unido.

Dr. Asri Tiba Di Reino Unido.

Zaharuddin Abd Rahman.

El Dr Mohd Asri 자이 날 아비딘, 엘 사뮤마이 마마 디아 말라 시아, 아다 데 간디, 산자간 마카.

1 Dis Dis.................

웨일즈, 웨일스의 유니버시티 (UWL)는 히드로와 론 드리 (Heathrow and Londres)의 항공 우주 비행사들과 경쟁하게된다. Mostrar와 (과) 450 km의 거리에 있습니다.

닥터 아스 리 (Asri djadualkan tiba bersama keluarga)는 애리조나 주립대 학교의 과목 중 하나입니다. MPV 7 대 광장 (밀크 예) BMW 밀리 어 시장 시장 박사 Asri 세미 콜레 이슬람교는 UWL에 착륙했습니다. 카미 비극은 비용이 많이 드는 일이며, 네비게이션은 마드리드와 마주하고있다. El Dr. Asri satu keluarga bersama는 beg-beg mereka입니다.

엘 호텔은 Luton, Londres, Londres의 성도로, Londres 성에서부터의 거리에 있습니다. Sementara menunggu gelatina 4.30 petia iaitu ketibaan 엘 닥터 애리 디 히드로 (El Atri di Heathrow), 카멜 엠블렘 스 (Keen Mengambil), 케 푸탄 선교사 훈 (Kuan Mengambil)

테 르와 단 단 UJIAN.

Menurut 정보, 카타르 박사, 아시아 태평양 지역에서 박사 학위를 소지 한 4.30 피트의 카타르 카약, 히스로 파크에서 벌어지는 Jalea de kami budjet atasco 5.30 petang.

잼 3 ang k k k 공항, 카미 hanya Aeropuerto de aeropuerto sekitar 5.50 petang.

노팅엄 옥스포드, 노파 냐, 옥토버그, 노바 스코샤, 옥토버그, 아스피린, 아스피린, 아스피린 등

대서양, 스페인에서 찍은 사진 11 월 30 일에 찍은 사진 11 월 3 일 - 3d 섭정. Kasihan melihat 박사 Asri yang menggeletar kesejukan, baju beliau tidak cukup tebal.

Hasil mesiuarat warga Malasia de Lampeter, 엘 닥터 Asri se centra en el diente de los penginapan sementaria de rumania 어스 Abd Halim Naam Seahalgalah 루마니아 Seahalgalah 루마니아,

Seachingga는 카나 산 - 카와 산 및 엘 Reino Unido의 캠퍼스 내부에있는 램프와 실내 조명을 보여줍니다. Apa yang pasti, 고문관 beliau adalah El Dr. Mawil Izzidien kajian sabatikal and kajian sabatikal berbeza dengan 박사 학위 과정에서 박사 학위를 취득 할 수 있습니다.

바닐라는 감미료, 감귤류, 감귤류, 감귤류, 감귤류, Lampeter와 엘 aeropuerto을 기록했다.

감바. Lámparas de techo Lampeter bersama MAZA 박사. (Ihsan dari equipo notts)

Semoga 박사 Asri es una organización de Estados Unidos perteneciente 및 Reino Unido. 영국의 국경 근처에있는 영국의 국기에 대한 응답으로 영국군과 독일군의 협조를 받았다. Ada yang benci, mara, suka, gembira, takut dicop Wahabi, nak berdebat dan macam-macam lagi. Lucu pula memikirkan. stock photography 바간 - 베이 팡입니다.

Bagi kami, biasa-biasa sahaja. Apa yang baik, dialukan sentiasa.

Sambutan dibuat secara sederhana sahaja 및 tidak kelihatan seperti sambutan orang ternama. Maaf setakat itu sahaja 양 카미 맘프.

Zaharuddin Abd Rahman.

Añadir esta página와 사회 즐겨 찾기에 대한 선호도.

SIAPA는 국경을 넘어 국경을 넘어 서서 국경을 넘나들며 국경을 넘나들며 국경을 넘나들며 국경을 넘었습니다.

Mufti Kerajaan Negeri Perlis, Prof. Madya Dr. Muhd ​​& # 8203; Asri Zainul Abidin 아브 리진 메사 데 간 나이 DrMAZA sekali lagi menulis 'status panas de ruangan facebook miliknya pada jam 2.32 petang tadi.

DrMAZA 남자는 남자 친구는 남자 친구가 남자 친구는 남자 친구가 남자 친구는 남자 친구가 남자 친구를 키스.

. Datuk Ahmad Maslan mengenai isu # 2KERJA.

페이 스북 (Facebook)은 페이스 북과 페이스 북 사이의 대화 상대방은 페이스 북으로 DrMAZA의 파트너가 될 수 있습니다.

이 책의 네 가지 제목은 페이스 북의 책을 끈으로 묶어 놓은 것입니다. DrMAZA는 아담한 사람들의 얼굴을 가리 키기도합니다. 아마드는 얼굴을 마주 쳤고 얼굴을 마주 쳤습니다.

컴파스 Maza Una는 컴파운드와 컴퍼스를 함께합니다.

Ganar를 Quieres합니까? Estás buscando cómo ganar dinero?

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Veriultimas noticias.

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호르헤 L. Maza, 플로리다 코럴 게이블 스, 플로리다 주 anestesilogo 실습. (Hahnemann)의 대학 병원에 입학했다. 실천과 실천을위한 병원의 진료 병원 침례교 건강. 호르헤 L. Maza, 플로리다 코럴 게이블 스, 플로리다 주 anestesilogo 실습. (Hahnemann)의 대학 병원에 입학했다. 실천 실천 의료 메디코 침례교 건강 의료 센터 메리코 침례교 건강 잭슨 기념 병원. 엘 닥터 마자는 메디 케어와 메디 케이드를 포함하는 다양한 종류의 비행기를 제공합니다. El Dr. Maza는 인증서 및 Anestesiología. Maza 박사는 플로리다 주 마이애미의 Anesesia Asociados와 Miami에 있습니다. Maza apoya este idioma : español. 엄마. Menos.

메디 코스 병원 바티스타 살 루드.

잭슨 기념 병원.

병원 Universitario Hahnemann.

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El Grupo de Empresas FOREX CLUB es una marca internacional líder en el mercado FOREX, que combina empresas de corretaje y centros de formación para comerciantes de todo el mundo.

La misión de FOREX CLUB es proporcionar a los individuos la oportunidad de aumentar su conocimiento financiero y multiplicar su capital personal usando su propia inteligencia. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de instrumentos financieros a los clientes en todo el mundo, lo que hace posible que cualquier persona a participar en el comercio en línea.

El Grupo de Empresas FOREX CLUB fue fundado en 1997. Hoy en día, es uno de los principales actores en el comercio global en línea y el mercado de divisas.

FOREX CLUB proporciona acceso a comercio en línea a cientos de miles de clientes en más de 120 países. Actualmente servimos a clientes en inglés, ruso, chino, portugués y otros idiomas.

La cadena de oficinas de clientes de FOREX CLUB está en constante expansión. Hoy en día, el Grupo de Empresas cuenta con más de 100 oficinas en 12 países, incluyendo los países de la Unión Europea, Brasil, China, Rusia y países de la CEI.

El Grupo de Empresas FOREX CLUB está formado por diferentes corredores y centros de formación, entre ellos: el corredor británico Forex Club International Limited, el corredor estadounidense Forex Club LLC (EE. UU.) y la International Trading Academy. El corredor más antiguo de Rusia, Akmos Trade, se unió al Grupo de Empresas FOREX CLUB en 2010.

Forex Club en Estados Unidos:

Forex Club (US), LLC es uno de un grupo de empresas globales de Forex Club con sede en Wall Street en la ciudad de Nueva York. Forex Club está registrado en la Comisión de Comercio de Futuros de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA # 0358265).

La misión de Forex Club es ofrecer a los operadores individuales la oportunidad de participar en el mercado financiero más grande del mundo, mejorar el conocimiento de nuestros clientes sobre finanzas y permitir a los operadores capitalizar sus propias inteligencias. Forex Club provee soluciones de trading forex, entrenamiento de calidad, herramientas analíticas y soporte personal al cliente a su base de clientes mundial, independientemente de donde residan los clientes.

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Visión de conjunto.

El Dr. Sharon Maza es un cardiólogo en Hackensack, Nueva Jersey y está afiliado con varios hospitales en la zona, incluyendo Hackensack University Medical Center y Holy Name Medical Center. Recibió su título de medicina de la NYU School of Medicine y ha estado en práctica por más de 20 años. Ella es una de 149 doctores en el centro médico de la universidad de Hackensack y de 60 en el centro médico del nombre santo que se especializan en enfermedad cardiovascular.

(201) 488-1320 Número de teléfono.

21+ años en la práctica.

Certificaciones de la Junta. Enfermedades Cardiovasculares, Medicina Interna.

Es usted el Dr. Maza? Reclamar / Editar su perfil.

Ubicación y contacto de la oficina.

83 Summit Ave Rear Suite Hackensack, Nueva Jersey 07601 [MAPA]

Número de teléfono.

Dr. Maza no tiene ningún tipo de seguro.

Si usted es Dr. Maza y desea agregar seguros que acepta, actualice su perfil gratuito.

Afiliación al hospital.

Estos son los hospitales con los que el Dr. Maza está afiliado. Dígale al usuario lo que el hospital que un médico está afiliado significa en términos de lo que pueden esperar del médico.

Centro Médico de la Universidad de Hackensack.

Hackensack, Nueva Jersey.

# 42 en Cardiología & amp; Cirugía de corazón.

Cirugía de bypass cardíaco de alto rendimiento.

Alto rendimiento en la insuficiencia cardíaca.

Hackensack University Medical Center en Hackensack, Nueva Jersey ha sido evaluado por EE. UU. News en 12 especialidades de adultos y está clasificado nacionalmente en 5 especialidades de adultos. Más.

149 Médicos Especializados 8/10 Supervivencia 4/5 Seguridad del Paciente.

Teaneck, Nueva Jersey.

Holy Name Medical Center en Teaneck, NJ ha sido evaluado por EE. UU. News en 10 especialidades de adultos y no es nacional en ninguna especialidad. Más.

60 Médicos Especializados.

Especialidad: Enfermedad Cardiovascular.

Los cardiólogos diagnostican y tratan enfermedades cardíacas, como defectos congénitos del corazón, enfermedad coronaria, trastornos del ritmo cardíaco e insuficiencia cardíaca.

Subespecialidades: Cardiología General.

Educación & amp; Entrenamiento médico.

Albert Einstein - Residencia del Centro Médico Montefiore. Medicina Interna.

Colegio de Medicina de Albert Einstein en Jacobi Medical Center Fellowship. Enfermedad cardiovascular.

VA Medical Center Internship. Medicina Interna.

Facultad de Medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Nueva York.

Junta Americana de Medicina Interna Certificada en Enfermedad Cardiovascular.

Junta Americana de Medicina Interna Certificada en Medicina Interna.

Licencia Médica del Estado de NJ Activo hasta 2017.

Licencia Médica Estatal de NY Activo hasta 2017.

Premios, Honores & amp; Reconocimientos.

Hubka, M. Lipiecki, J. Bolson, E. L. Martin, R. W. Munt, B. Maza, S. R. Sheehan, F. H. "Medición ecocardiográfica tridimensional del espesor de la pared del ventrículo izquierdo: Validación in vitro e in vivo" J Am Soc Echocardiogr.

Ver todas las publicaciones.

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Salam Jumaat 10 hari terakhir Ramadhan 2015.Semoga Allah panjangkan umur kita untuk bertemu keberkatan Ramadhan akan datang. In sya Allah.

Semoga Ramadhan kali ini kita diberi Rahmat, Keampunan dan Allah jauhkan kita dan keluarga dari Azab api neraka. Aminn.

Salah satu sebab trader kita biasa MC, kena tipu skim cepat kaya dan di scam oleh orang yang tidak amanah atau cikgu penipu yang trade acc orang dan meng"MC"kan akaun kita secara rela atau paksa, tersontot ETA wakalah emas dan lain-lain. salah satu sebabnya mereka tidak mahu serta mengambil ringan ke "WAJIB"an Zakat yang termasuk dalam salah satu rukun Islam.


Hari ini penulis ingin berkongsi satu artikel "Pedas" di laman facebook Dr Maza mengenai luahan rasa beliau mengenai zakat dan pengurusannya di negara kita. Semoga kita mendapat iktibar dan manfaat yang banyak dari tulisan ilmu mufti Perlis ini, in sya Allah.

Saya tidak menafikan usaha-usaha baik pengurusan zakat yang telah pun berjaya dilakukan. Kita tahu, zakat kita banyak. Jika dihimpun seluruh negara, mungkin mencecah lebih 1.5 billion.

Itu setiap tahun. Bangunan-bangunan zakat cantik dan indah. Iklan-iklan mengutip zakat juga canggih dan mahal. Gaji-gaji yang terlibat mengurusnya jangan ditanya lagi. Cara membayar zakat juga dipermudahkan dengan pelbagai kaedah dan teknologi.

Iklan-iklan kutip zakat mahal dan hebat. Tiba-tiba ada si miskin kita terpaksa merintih simpati dari pihak lain termasuk gereja?

Ada pegawai zakat bersifat begitu meterialistik. Berwajah manis jika hadir di depannya pembayar zakat, tapi berwajah suram jika yang hadir itu pemohon zakat. Tiada semangat dakwah dan ukhuwwah Islamiyyah. Pemohonan sulit dan sukar.

Apatahlagi jika mak cik tua yang uzur disuruh mengisi borang. Maka, pemohon zakat bagaikan peminta sedekah. Sebab itu barangkali ramai fakir yang tidak sanggup ke pejabat zakat.

Jika program ‘Bersamamu’ boleh menemui si fakir saban minggu, kenapa pula ada pihak zakat yang gagal mengesan mereka. Jika usaha mengutip zakat begitu hebat, alangkah baik dihebatkan juga usaha mencari mereka yang layak menerima zakat.

Mencari orang miskin itu penting, bukan menunggu mereka datang. Bukan semua yang miskin sanggup atau dapat datang kepada pejabat zakat.

Menurut al-Quran, yang miskin tidak meminta itu lebih patut diutamakan. Firman Allah (maksudnya): “(Pemberian sedekah itu) adalah untuk golongan fakir miskin yang telah menentukan dirinya (dengan menjalankan khidmat atau berjuang) pada jalan Allah (membela Islam), yang tidak berupaya mengembara di muka bumi (untuk berniaga dan sebagainya); orang yang jahil menyangka mereka kaya, kerana mereka menahan diri daripada meminta-minta. Engkau kenal mereka dengan (melihat) tanda-tanda mereka, mereka tidak meminta daripada orang ramai secara mendesak-desak, dan (ketahuilah), apa jua yang kamu belanjakan dari harta yang baik maka sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa mengetahuinya”.( Surah al-Baqarah ayat 273)

Berilah zakat kepada mereka, kerana itu memang hak mereka. Jangan jadikan mereka pengemis di pejabat zakat. Berilah dengan kasih dan perancangan agar mereka keluar dari daerah kemiskinan. Bukan RM 100 ataupun 200 yang menyebabkan mereka akan beratur mengemis zakat setiap tahun.

Kata Saidina ‘Umar r. a.:“Apabila engkau memberi zakat, kayakanlah mereka”. Kata Ibn Hazm (meninggal 456H): “Apa yang kami tahu tiada sahabah yang berbeza dalam hal ini” (Ibn Hazm, Al-Muhalla 4/280, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-‘ilmiyyah).

Bahkan zakat boleh diberikan kepada bukan muslim yang miskin atas peruntukan fakir dan untuk dakwah atas peruntukan muallaf. Lihatlah perbahasan fekah yang lebih luas. Jika zakat berfungsi, bukan muslim juga akan tertarik dengan Islam. Jika ia tidak berfungsi, yang sudah Islam pun ingin keluar dari Islam!

Di bawah ini adalah soalan beserta jawapan berkaitan Zakat dan b eberapa kemusykilan berkaitan zakat telah diajukan oleh masyarakat kepada Zakat Pulau Pinang dan perkara ini telah dibincangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Dakwah dan Rundingan Syara' (JADARIS) dalam Muzakarah Zakat 2007 bersama-sama dengan Ahli Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri. Antaranya ialah.

Mufti Perlis yang serba tahu dan bijak serta arif ini seolah² cuba memberitahu bahawa kemudahan surau dan signage di Lapangan Terbang Bangkok lebih baik daripada KLIA.

Entah apa yang dalam fikiran dia sehinggakan isu surau pun nak dikecoh²kan. Apa hebatnya Bangkok hany sediakan satu saja surau di situ berbanding KLIA yang menyediakan banyak ruang solat untuk orang Muslim beribadat.

Menerusi komen ramai yang memaklumkan, surau di KLIA yang kini terletak di Anjung Tinjau malah lebih luas dan selesa.

“Salam ustaz..surau di klia…terletak di anjung tinjau tuan…sbab perpindahan nye…menyediakan surau yg lebih besar dan luas..serta selesa..ustaz leh menghala ke anjung tinjau…surau di sebelah pej pos..kecik..dh xleh nak memuatkan ramai jemaah….signange pun bermula dari kedai cafe barbera…” kata pemilik akaun Facebook Zul Mimi.

Azuan Ahmad Zahdi pula meninggalkan komen, “Banyak je Surau di KLIA tu. Kalau tak nak di Anjung Tinjau, yang lebih dekat pun banyak. Kalau nak sembahyang di mana-mana pun boleh. Tiada masalah “lebih nampak” atau perbandingan dengan airport kita”.

Pemilik akaun Facebook Rosman Ramli turut menyelar tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh Mufti Perlis itu.

“Tak perlu banding2kan kemudahan solat dlm dgn luar negara. Di mana2 pun bole solat asalkn tmpt nya bersih. Di singapore pun susah cari surau. Kat thailand pun takdela senang mana. Kat malaysia ni berlambak tmpat solat. plg cokia pun kat petronas. cuma yg tak blambak org yg solat bila masuk waktu. tu yg pnting,” tulisnya. Pemilik akaun Facebook Abdul karim pula memberi pendapatnya, “Alhamdulillah. suraunya lebih selesa dari sebelum yang terlalu jauh utk yg berumur berjalan kaki dan sukar dikesan utk mereka yg pertama kali ke klia. Ruang luas ke anjung tinjau tu lebih sesuai dan mudah dilihat oleh semua. wallahualam” .

Kesimpulannya mudah je, malu bertanya sesat jalan woi.


Tak lama lagi bakal menjelang tarikh 25 Disember 2015 dan seperti biasa, pada tarikh ini, mereka yang beragama Kristian akan menyambut hari Natal. Jadi, apa kata kita telusuri penjelasan dan ulasan dari Dr MAZA berhubung isu mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari perayaan bagi agama lain.

Soalan kepada Dr MAZA:

Dr MAZA, kita negara yang berbilang agama. Ramai yang mempunyai kawan pejabat, jiran dan lain-lain yang bukan muslim. Apabila tiba hari raya kita mereka mengucapkan selamat hari raya. Masalahnya, apabila tiba giliran hari raya agama mereka pulak, kita rasa macam serba salah. Bolehkah seorang muslim berikan ucapan selamat hari raya agama lain . Saya takut rosak akidah, tapi ramai pemimpin dan kawan-kawan muslim yang lain ucapkan. Saya pun risau juga kawan-kawan bukan muslim kecil hati, tapi saya pun nak jaga akidah saya. Bolehkah Dr Asri berikan pandangan?

Jawapan balas dari Dr MAZA:

Saudara Munif, Alhamdulillah saudara prihatin dengan keadaan akidah saudara di kala ramai yang tidak mempedulikan lagi kebersihan akidah mereka. Akidah adalah pembeza utama antara seorang mukmin dan bukan mukmin. Seseorang bagaimana banyak amalannya pun, tetapi jika akidahnya rosak, maka amalannya ditolak. Maka penting untuk kita mempertahankan akidah dan kesuciannya. Mengenai soalan saudara, ada beberapa perkara yang wajar difahami:

1. Islam mengharamkan seseorang muslim membuat apa-apa perbuatan atau ucapan yang mengiktiraf kekufuran atau kesesatan. Termasuk dalam hal ini membesarkan agama lain dengan mengucapkan ucapan yang mengagungkan atau mengiktiraf kekufuran, atau melakukan amalan ibadah yang mempunyai makna menyembah atau menyeru tuhan selain Allah. Maka, apa sahaja tindakan yang membawa kepada maksud yang disebutkan tadi adalah haram jika dilakukan dengan perbuatan atau ucapan. Jika disertai iktikad bahawa apa yang dilakukan itu benar atau betul, maka dia menjadi kafir. Firman Allah:

(maksudnya) “Sesiapa yang kufur kepada Allah sesudah beriman (maka baginya kemurkaan Allah), kecuali orang yang dipaksa (melakukan kufur) sedang jantung hatinya tenang tenteram dengan iman; akan tetapi sesiapa yang terbuka dadanya menerima kufur maka atas mereka ditimpa kemurkaan dari Allah, dan mereka pula beroleh azab yang besar. (Surah al-Nahl, ayat 106).

2. Dalam masa yang sama, Islam tidak membenarkan kita menzalimi bukan muslim dan Islam menyuruh kita melakukan kebaikan kepada bukan muslim yang tidak memusuhi kita kerana agama kita. Firman Allah.

(maksudnya): “Allah tidak melarang kamu daripada berbuat baik dan memberikan sumbangan harta kepada orang-orang yang tidak memerangi kamu kerana agama (kamu), dan tidak mengeluarkan kamu dari kampung halaman kamu; sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berlaku adil. Sesungguhnya Allah hanyalah melarang kamu daripada menjadikan teman rapat orang-orang yang memerangi kamu kerana ugama (kamu), dan mengeluarkan kamu dari kampung halaman kamu, serta membantu (orang lain) untuk mengusir kamu. dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yang menjadikan mereka teman rapat, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang zalim”. (Surah al-Mumtahah, 8-9)

3. Juga, Islam menyuruh kita mengucapkan ucapan yang baik kepada orang yang mengucapkan ucapan yang baik kepada kita . Firman Allah:

(maksudnya): “Dan apabila kamu diberikan penghormatan dengan sesuatu ucapan hormat, maka balaslah penghormatan itu dengan yang lebih baik daripadanya, atau balaslah dia (dengan cara yang sama). Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa menghitung tiap-tiap sesuatu”. (Surah al-Nisa, 86).

Inilah adab Islami yang tinggi. Ia merangkumi sesama muslim atau kepada bukan muslim. Sehingga Ibn ‘Abbas r. a menyebut:

“Jika Firaun berkata kepadaku ‘semoga Allah memberkatimu, nescaya aku menjawab ‘untuk engkau juga’” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dalam al-Adab al-Mufrad). Maka sudah pasti mereka yang tidak sejahat Firaun dan tidak memusuhi Islam lebih layak untuk menerima ucapan balas.

4. Oleh kerana dalam masalah mengucapkan tahniah ataupun congratulating sempena perayaan agama lain mempunyai unsur seakan mengakui agama lain – secara langsung atau tidak langsung-, dan dalam masa yang sama ada juga nilai berbuat baik kepada bukan muslim yang tidak memusuhi Islam, maka para ulama berkhilaf pendapat tentang hal ini. Bagi mereka yang melihat unsur mengiktiraf kekufuran, mereka mengharamkan ucapan sempena perayaan agama lain. Sementara bagi mereka yang melihat ia bukan berunsur mengiktiraf kekufuran agama lain, sebaliknya sekadar melakukan barr ataupun kebaikan kepada penganut agama lain yang tidak memusuhi Islam, maka para ulama yang berpendapat sebegini mengharuskan ucapan tersebut dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

5. Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa selain nas-nas al-Quran dan al-Sunnah sebagai asas, faktor keadaan, zaman dan persekitaran mempengaruhi para sarjana Islam dalam melihat kepada isu ini. Kitab-kitab yang ditulis pada persekitaran muslim begitu dominan dan tiada keperluan untuk melakukan ucapan tersebut kelihatan keras dan mengharamkan ucapan sempena perayaan agama lain. Sementara, ramai juga sarjana terutama di zaman kini yang mempunyai persekitaran yang baru dan keperluan untuk memperlihatkan keharmonian Islam kepada bukan Islam, fatwa-fatwa mereka ini lebih lunak dan mengizinkannya dengan syarat-syarat tertentu.

6. Syeikh Islam Ibn Taimiyyah r. h. (meninggal 728H) dalam karyanya Iqtida al-Sirat al-Mustaqim dan muridnya al-Hafizd Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah r. h (meninggal 751H) dalam karyanya Ahkam Ahl al-Zimmah dengan tegas mengharamkan hal ini. Mereka telah mengemukakan hujah dan alasan mereka dalam mengharamkannya. Teras kepada perbincangan mereka ialah perbuatan tersebut membawa erti menyerupai orang kafir dan meredhai agama mereka. Focus mereka adalah penyertaan seorang muslim kepada upacara perayaan bukan muslim. Banyak pendapat-pendapat ulama silam yang mereka petik. Pandangan kedua imam agung itu diikuti oleh sesetengah para ulama terutama dari negara yang dominan penduduk muslim seperti Arab Saudi. Maka Lajnah Fatwa Tetap Arab Saudi mengharamkan ucapan selamat sempena perayaan agama lain.

7. Sementara Majlis Fatwa Eropah (The European Council For Fatwa and Research) yang dianggotai oleh ramai sarjana muslim membolehkan muslim memberikan ucapan tahniah atau selamat sempena perayaan mereka (Congratulating Non-Muslims on Their Festive Occasions). Ini lebih dituntut apabila mereka terlebih dahulu mengucapkannya semasa perayaan Islam . Ini berteras ayat dalam Surah al-Nisa, ayat 86 yang kita sebutkan tadi. Pun begitu, mereka tetap mengharamkan muslim menyertai perayaan agama lain. Hanya sekadar ucapan sempena perayaan.

8. Fatwa yang sama yang mengharuskan ucapan sempena perayaan agama lain dikeluarkan oleh beberapa ulama lain seperti Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi dan al-Mustafa al-Zarqa. Antara hujah yang digunakan oleh al-Syeikh Mustafa al-Zarqa adalah hadis Nabi s. a. w:

“Sesungguhnya telah lalu di hadapan Nabi s. a. w satu jenazah, lalu baginda bangun (untuk menghormati). Lalu diberitahu kepada baginda: “Itu jenazah seorang yahudi”. Baginda bersabda: “Tidakkah ia juga jiwa (insan)?” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim). Kata al-Zarqa: “Bangun tersebut sebagai menggambarkan penghormatan dan kemuliaan, tiada kaitan dengan akidah jenazah tersebut” (Fatawa Mustafa al-Zarqa, m. s 356. Damsyik: Dar al-Qalam). Ertinya, beliau membandingkan mengucapkan selamat sempena hariraya agama lain kepada penganutnya, bukan bererti mengiktiraf akidah mereka.

9. Dengan ini saya berpendapat, boleh mengucapkan selamat hariraya kepada penganut agama lain sempena perayaan mereka dengan syarat ucapan tersebut tidak mengandungi ungkapan yang syirik atau kufur seperti menyebut ‘anak Allah’ atau tuhan selain Allah. Maka, memadai sekadar ‘selamat hariraya’ atau ‘selamat bergembira’ atau seumpamanya. Hal ini lebih dituntut jika semasa hariraya Islam mereka mengucapkannya.

10. Namun, seorang muslim tidak boleh turut merayakan hariraya agama lain. Sebabnya, perayaan agama merupakan upacara agama. Bukan muslim pun tidak patut disuruh merayakan hariraya kita. Perpaduan antara kita sesama rakyat muslim dan bukan muslim bukan dengan berkongsi hariraya, tetapi dengan keadilan, berbuat baik dan tidak menzalimi antara satu sama lain.

11. Apa yang penting, dalam dunia semasa yang Islam dituduh dengan pelbagai tuduhan liar, kita patut menonjolkan imej Islam yang harmoni dan baik. Dalam masa yang sama kita mesti menjaga benteng akidah kita.

Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dipanjangkan lagi penjelasan dari Dr MAZA ini kepada ramai kenalan muslim kita.

EUR/USD It is more likely to go down to around 1.3750 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up to around 1.3850 (Current Price: 1.3802)

GBP/USD It is more likely to go down to around 1.60 or lower, and after that, it might have potentially to go up higher than 1.6080. (Current Price: 1.6056)

AUD/USD No Comment.

USD/JPY No Comment.

USD/CHF No Comment.

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Dr. Jose Guillermo Maza Segura.

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Primary Practice Location.

Check locations where Dr. Jose practices near Orlando FL and make an appointment.

Practice Location: 810 N Nowell Street, Orlando, FL 32808 (407) 290-9556.

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday:08 am - 05:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday:Closed.

Specialty and License Information.

Dr. Jose Guillermo Maza Segura has been identified as specializing in General Practice and has over 14 years of experience.

He received medical licensing as follows:

General Practice Taxonomy code: 208D00000X, with the licence number: 18555, issued in the state of Puerto Rico.

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An affiliated hospital is a hospital where a doctor can practice and admit patients. Dr. Jose Guillermo Maza Segura is professionally affiliated with multiple hospitals in Orlando area and more.

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Doctors in General Practice.

Firman Allah SWT:

Wahai umat manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan (dan beramah mesra antara satu dengan yang lain). Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang lebih taqwanya di antara kamu, (bukan yang lebih keturunan atau bangsanya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu). (Surah Al-Hujurat ayat 13)

April 1, 2014 • Indo.

ASRI: 4Q13 results: Disappointing on large forex loss.

& # 167; Net earnings down: On the back of severe forex loss of IDR159bn, ASRI booked a 4Q13 net profit of only IDR9bn (4% of our 4Q13 estimate), down 92% q-q and 44% y-y. This brought 2013 net profit to IDR877bn (up 17% y-y), below our (19%) and consensus (38%) full-year forecasts.

& # 167; In-line operating performance: At the operating level, ASRI booked 4Q13 operating profit of IDR236bn (113% of our), down 34% q-q and 31% y-y, bringing 2013 operating profit to IDR1.5tn (up 22% y-y), in line with our expectations but 16% below consensus estimates on slower-than-expected revenue recognition.

& # 167; Forex losses hurt net margin despite in-line operating margin: 4Q13 operating margin reached 37%, bringing 2013 operating margin to 42%, relatively in line with our expectation of 44%. Hence, net margin suffered on the back of large forex losses, reaching only 1% in 4Q13.

Outlook: Pasar Kemis and Nort Serpong to support future growth Apart from one-off forex losses and lower margins from Karawang land sales, ASRI’s result release was relatively in line with our expectation. We are still upbeat with ASRI’s prospect ahead with the support from Pasar Kemis and North Serpong projects as well as the CBD office project.

Recommendation and valuation: Reaffirm BUY and TP of IDR760 ASRI trades at a 2014F PE of 8.4x, much lower than the sector’s 2014F PE of 15.0x and at a 53% discount to our NAV (sector: 44%). As we base our target price on a 40% discount to NAV, we reaffirm our BUY and target price of IDR760 on ASRI. Risk would include lower-than-expected ASPs in 2014.

ASRI: 3Q13 results: Disappointing on lower margin § Net earnings down significantly: 3Q13 net profit was IDR120b, down 65% q-q and 44%.

GJTL: 2Q14 performance: Disappointing on weak margin and forex loss § Net loss of IDR107bn: On the back of the weak margin and forex loss.

GJTL: 3Q14 results: Disappointing on forex § 3Q14 net loss of IDR3bn: GJTL reported a 3Q14 net loss of IDR3bn, resulting.

ASRI: On track  ASRI 1H14 marketing sales reach 52% of full-year target: Recently, ASRI announced 1H14 marketing.

ASRI: On track § ASRI 1H14 marketing sales reach 52% of full-year target: Recently, ASRI announced 1H14 marketing.

PGAS: sizable forex gain in 4Q13 resulted FY13 net income exceed expectation Perusahaan Gas: sizable forex gain in 4Q13 resulted FY13 net income exceed expectation (105% of.

ASRI: Booked quite good 6M14 pre-sales of Rp2.6tn ASRI booked quite good 6M14 pre-sales of Rp2.6tn, down 16% YoY and reached 52% of.

EXCL 4Q13 results: Net Income impacted by forex loss, otherwise good result EXCL FY13 Result: Revenue was inline and Ebit was ahead of CLSA expectation (in line.

AALI: 3Q13 performance: Disappointing on forex losses § 3Q13 earnings down 46% q-q and 73% y-y: On the back of IDR301b FX.

TAXI: Disappointing 4Q13, another speed bump in 1Q14 § TAXI reported its FY13 results, with NPAT above our estimate by 1.8% but underlying.

"Dan sungguh Allah telah menurunkan kepada kamu di dalam Al-Quran bahawa apabila kamu mendengar ayat-ayat Allah diingkari dan diperolok-olokkan (oleh orang-orang kafir), maka janganlah kamu duduk beserta mereka, sehingga mereka memasuki pembicaraan yang lain. Kerana sesungguhnya (kalau kamu berbuat demikian), tentulah kamu serupa dengan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah akan mengumpulkan orang-orang munafik dan orang-orang kafir di dalam jahannam." [Surah an Nisaa’: 140]

Artikel Dr MAZA. Orang Politik! Berbaloikah Ini Semua.

Atas sebab yang tidak dapat dipastikan, pihak Mingguan Malaysia tidak menyiarkan artikel Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin pada minggu ini yang bertajuk: Orang Politik! Berbaloikah Ini Semua. Artikel ini sebenarnya mustahak dibaca terutama menjelang pemilihan dalam perhimpunan agong UMNO kali ini. Dinasihati para pemimpin UMNO dan perwakilan membaca artikel ini sebelum meneruskan perjuangan atau membuat pemilihan mereka. Pihak DRMAZA. COM amat berdukacita kerana artikel ini tidak dapat dibaca melalui Mingguan Malaysia, maka dengan itu mereka yang melayari internet tidak memperolehinya. Pohon jasa baik pembaca mengedarkan artikel tersebut.

Orang Politik! Berbaloikah Ini Semua.

Malas rasanya hendak mengulas keserabutan politik negara kita. Saya yang berada jauh di cerok Lampeter, Wales ini pun terasa betapa serabutnya kerenah politik dalam negara. Kadang-kala rasa letih perasaan hendak membaca berita-berita negara kebelakangan ini. Semuanya tentang kekeliruan politik.

Jika ada berita yang menyejuk jiwa seperti kisah kejayaan adik Nik Nur Madihah Nik Mohd Kamal yang berjaya dalam pelajarannya sekalipun dari keluarga miskin, tidak pula menjadi isu hangat untuk diperkatakan oleh masyarakat kita. Mungkin sekadar laporan media untuk sehari dua. Tidak enak barangkali untuk dihidang bersama rakan sebagai jamuan telinga seperti mana sedapnya mendengar cerita kekalutan politik.

Padahal pendidikan dan ilmu diperlukan secara langsung oleh setiap insan, sedangkan politik rakus dan ‘gila kuasa’ hanya untuk mereka yang dimabukkan oleh syaitan. Sehingga saya baca daripada satu sumber berita kononnya dijumpai ‘barangan bomoh’ yang diletakkan di bawah meja Perdana Menteri. Pelik bunyinya kisah-kisah politik kebelakangan ini. Apa yang patutnya rahsia, dikongsi semua. Ada yang patut dikongsi semua, menjadi rahsia.

Maka tertanya sekelian rakyat: “tangan-tangan siapakah gerangan?”. Jika saya yang berada di Lampeter United Kingdom ini iaitu satu kawasan yang dianggap ulu tetapi tenang, menghijau, dengan udaranya yang segar dan masyarakatnya yang agak mesra, pun terasa mual dan loya dengan berita-berita negara kita, apatahlagi perasaan rakyat yang prihatin yang hidup dalam negara.

Atau mungkin rakyat negara kita sudah sampai kepada satu tahap menganggap kisah-kisah kecurangan dan sensasi ahli politik adalah satu hiburan seperti mana kisah-kisah gossip artis. Padahal ada beza antara dua kelompok tersebut. Gossip artis mungkin kesannya tidak seburuk kecurangan ahli politik yang rasuah, salahguna kuasa, memecah belahkan masyarakat hanya atas kepentingan, membazir masa rakyat dan menggadaikan masa depan awam.

Membaca berita ahli politik; tikam menikam sesama sendiri, benci-membenci dalam mengejar kuasa, curahan wang dan harta kerana pangkat semata, dedah mendedah keaiban masing-masing dan berbagai lagi menjadikan dada kusut dan serabut. ‘Sembang-sembang’ mereka penuh dengan sumpah seranah dan permusuhan hanya kerana kuasa.

Kawan-kawan orang politik ramai yang munafik daripada yang jujur. Pujian untuk orang politik banyak yang dusta daripada yang ikhlas. Bak kata ungkapan pantun dalam lagu: Inikah dia lakonan hidup, di pentas dunia insan berpura. Tipu dan daya mencapai maksud, budi dan harta merangkum noda.

Hairan kita dengan orang politik, apakah candu yang mereka telan sehingga mereka sanggup berada di alam yang seperti itu. Apakah yang mereka kejar untuk memperolehinya sehingga mereka sanggup meredah badai kesakitan jiwa dan perasaan yang sedemikian. Apakah mereka mengejar kuasa tanpa bahagia? Atau kuasa bersama derita? Atau biar derita asal berkuasa? Atau mereka sebenar tidak berjumpa dengan nikmat hidup bahagia? Atau mereka bak apa yang Allah firman dalam al-Quran: (maksudnya)

“Oleh itu, janganlah engkau tertarik kepada harta benda dan anak pinak mereka, (kerana) sesungguhnya Allah hanya mahu menyeksa mereka dengan itu semua dalam kehidupan dunia” (Surah al-Taubah: ayat 55). Sejarah seantero dunia meriwayatkan cerita-cerita politik itu penuh dengan riwayat sengsara dan derita. Orang yang tamakkan kuasa sebenarnya mengidap sejenis penyakit gila yang mungkin bertindak di luar dari kebiasaan insan yang normal. Dia mungkin berbohong, khianat, rasuah, menzalimi insan lain, bahkan mungkin membunuh atas kegilaan yang luar kawalan. Dia sanggup mengorbankan segala-galanya, hanya kerana kuasa.

Tetapi yang pasti jika diteliti, mereka ini hilang kewarasan, kebahagiaan dan ketenteraman hidup. Jiwa mereka miskin. Bayang-bayang ketakutan atas dosa dan hilang kuasa memburu mereka setiap waktu dan penjuru. Perasaan resah apabila bersendirian tanpa pengikut, atau sendiri bermimpi ngeri bimbang hilang pengaruh. Demikianlah insan apabila Allah dan bayangan hari akhirat itu hilang dari jiwa seseorang insan.

Para pejuang kebenaran kerana Allah juga mungkin derita dan diseksa. Mungkin juga diuji dengan penderitaan fizikal dan tekanan perasaan sebagai insan. Namun, keimanan, keikhlasan dan harapan mendapat ganjaran di sisi Allah sentiasa menjadikan derita itu kecil, bahkan mungkin bertukar menjadi nikmat apabila apabila mengenang bahawa ujian dan bala itu penyebab ganjaran dan pahala serta menghapuskan dosa.

Jiwa mereka besar kerana tempat pergantungan mereka sangat agung. Ini seperti yang sering para pejuang sebutkan: “Jika aku dipenjara maka itu satu kerehatan. Jika dibuang negeri maka itu satu perlancongan dan jika aku dibunuh maka itu bererti syahid. Para pejuang kebenaran sentiasa damai kerana nampak ke mana jalan hendak dituju. Firman Allah dalam Surah al-Nisa’: (maksudnya)

“Dan janganlah kamu lemah (hilang semangat) dalam memburu musuh (yang menceroboh) itu; kerana kalau kamu menderita sakit maka sesungguhnya mereka pun menderita sakit seperti penderitaan kamu; sedang kamu mengharapkan daripada Allah apa yang mereka tidak harapkan dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana”. Ugutan, ancaman, penghinaan, kezaliman dan segala rupa kesakitan hidup dirasai oleh orang politik dan bukan politik. Namun antara perbezaan mereka yang berkerja untuk menegakkan kebenaran kerana Allah dan mereka yang berjuang untuk kepentingan tembolok sendiri adalah ketenangan jiwa dan kehalusan perasaan yang penuh syahdu dan lunak yang tidak dimiliki melainkan oleh golongan yang pertama.

Golongan pertama iaitu para pejuang kebenaran kerana Allah, tanpa mengira atas pentas apa mereka berada; dakwah, politik, ekonomi, pendidikan atau apa sahaja, akan melalui kesukaran perjuangan mereka dengan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah, mengharapkan pahala dan keampunan serta tawakal yang penuh kepadaNya. Samada kemenangan atau ketewasan; semuanya dihayati sebagai nikmat pengorbanan untuk insan kerana Tuhan.

Firman Allah Surah Ali ‘Imran 173: (maksudnya)

“Mereka yang apabila diberitahu oleh orang ramai (pembawa berita) kepada mereka: “Bahawa manusia berkumpul untuk memerangi kamu, maka gerunlah kamu kepada mereka”. (maka berita itu sebenarnya) menambahkan iman mereka lalu berkata: “Cukuplah Allah untuk (menolong) kami, dan Dia sebaik-baik pengurus (yang terserah kepadanya Segala urusan kami)”. Sebab itu dalam sejarah kuasa politik sekalipun hebat, gagal untuk menundukkan pejuang kebenaran yang ikhlas. Sekalipun tubuh dan harta para pejuang itu diseksa dan dirampas, tetapi jiwa penguasa juga yang menderita. Namun sejarah terus mencatatkan kedua kelompok itu sentiasa berterusan wujud sekalipun menghadapi berbagai rintangan.

Penegak kebenaran kerana Allah ada di setiap zaman menghadapi segala tribulasi perjuangan kerana memburu keredhaan Allah dan syurga yang dijanjikan. Sementara kelompok yang tamakkan kuasa juga wujud di setiap zaman disebabkan penyakit gila yang meresap ke dalam jiwa mereka. Mereka terbayang pada kuasalah segala keindahan dan keseronakan. Mereka lupa betapa ramai yang berkuasa itu telah hilang nikmat kebahagiaan jiwa. Sabda Nabi s. a. w: “Kamu semua begitu bercita-cita terhadap jawatan kepimpinanan, ianya akan menjadi penyesalan pada hari kiamat. Ianya sesuatu yang nikmat pada permualaannya tapi keburukan pada akhirnya” (Riwayat al-Bukhari). Ya, politik bukan semuanya buruk. Berpolitik untuk menegakkan kebenaran serta berpolitik dengan disiplin yang ditunjukkan oleh Allah dan RasulNya adalah tuntutan. Kita perlukan orang politik yang melaksanakan tanggungjawab kepimpinan berdasarkan wahyu Tuhan. Namun jika politik itu adalah kisah ketamakan dan kerakusan seperti yang sering kita dengar, ia sebenarnya adalah kisah insan-insan yang hilang bahagia, berpenyakit jiwa dan gila.

Maka ingin kita bertanya kepada mereka ini yang sengit bertarung saban hari: “Berbaloikah semua itu?”

싱가포르 회의.

ShowFx Asia organizers are happy to invite everyone with a shared interest in financial markets to the conference taking place on August 29, 2015 in Marina Bay Sands.

ShowFx Asia financial conference in Singapore annually gathers traders, forex brokers and other players of financial markets from Asia and all around the world.

The event aims to increase professionalism of traders and unite all members of Forex community. We engage internationally acclaimed trading experts to take the floor at our venues. Among our previous Singapore speakers are Bert Antonik, Choo Koon Lip, Dr Foo Loon Sung, Asri Mahmood, Stuart McPhee and many others. Follow our website for the latest updates on schedule and speakers.

Traditional prize draws and raffles are planned for the conference visitors.

We look forward to seeing you at the Conference!

전시회 (세미나) 참여에 대한 자세한 내용은 supportshowfxworld에서 언제든지 문의하십시오. com.

ShowFxWorld . Posted: 2015-08-06 06:34:35.

We would like to remind you of a unique opportunity to meet the representatives of brokerages, leading Forex analysts and colleagues by attending the conference.

Do not hesitate to visit: August 29, 2015, Marina Bay Sands 10 Bayfront Avenue, level 3, Begonia Junior Ballroom, 3001A-2 & 3101A-2, Singapore 018956.

전시회 (세미나) 참여에 대한 자세한 내용은 supportshowfxworld에서 언제든지 문의하십시오. com.

ShowFxWorld . Posted: 2015-08-13 06:13:47.

The most awaiting event will be held in Singapore this coming August 29, 2015. The conference promises to be very interesting and exciting. This time the conference partners are FxStreet, Investing. com, TheFinance. sg, TerraSeeds, Singapore Business Review, ChrisLori. com, FX Trader Magazine, Forex Forum Asia, FxOperator and many more. The event participants will have a chance to get along with the representatives of the participants and enjoy the presentation of the Forex leading theorists including Arief Makmur, Choo Koon Lip, Bert Antonik, Chris Lori, Conrad Alvin Lim and Ezekiel Chew.

Come and join us at Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre. Organizers of this event are preparing pleasant surprises and giving-away bonuses for the conference visitors. 입구는 무료입니다!

전시회 (세미나) 참여에 대한 자세한 내용은 supportshowfxworld에서 언제든지 문의하십시오. com.

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Dr. Richard Kazdin Maza - NPI #1861490872.

Dr. Richard Kazdin Maza is a male Internal Medicine Doctor (taxonomy code 207R00000X) located in Clearwater, Florida. Dr. Richard Kazdin Maza's NPI Number is #1861490872 and has been listed in the NPI registry for 11 years. Dr. Richard Kazdin Maza's practice location is listed as: 3253 N Mcmullen Booth Rd Suite 200 Clearwater, FL 33761-2043 and can be reached via phone at (727) 725-6170 .

Internal Medicine Taxonomy.

The taxonomy code for Dr. Richard Kazdin Maza's main specialty, Internal Medicine, is 207R00000X. A physician who provides long-term, comprehensive care in the office and the hospital, managing both common and complex illness of adolescents, adults and the elderly. Internists are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, infections and diseases affecting the heart, blood, kidneys, joints and digestive, respiratory and vascular systems. They are also trained in the essentials of primary care internal medicine, which incorporates an understanding of disease prevention, wellness, substance abuse, mental health and effective treatment of common problems of the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and reproductive organs.

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Tarikh tasyri' nota sejarah perundangan islam - slideshare. 그물.

Tarikh tasyri' nota sejarah perundangan islam 1. NOTA TARIKH TASYRI’/SEJARAH PERUNDANGAN ISLAM. JABATAN SYARIAH 2. ISI KANDUNGAN Pengenalan Sejarah.

Konsep, prinsip dan falsafah perundangan Islam | WLA 104.

Konsep, prinsip dan falsafah perundangan Islam. Perundangan Islam berdasarkan kepada prinsip meletakkan hukuman. Untuk pengetahuan anda, perundangan Islam ialah satu.

Pengguguran Bayi Menurut Perspektif Islam dan Perundangan.

GJAT | JUNE 2012 | VOL 2 ISSUE 1 | 69 ISSN. 2232-0474 | E-ISSN. 2232-0482 gjat. my “This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the.

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PENGANIAYAAN TERHADAP WANITA DALAM KONTEKS PERUNDANGAN SYARIAH DAN SIVIL Oleh: Hasiah binti Mat Salleh1 Yusliha binti mohd Yunus2 Pendahuluan Penganiayaan merupakan.

Undang-undang - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Undang-undang (Bahasa Inggeris: Law; Jawi: اوندڠ٢) dalam politik dan perundangan, merupakan satu sistem peraturan atau norma yang cuba diikuti oleh ahli-ahli.

Daftar Nama Nama Kerajaan Islam di Indonesia | 인도네시아 공화국.

Daftar Nama – Nama Kerajaan Islam di Indonesia Agama Islam adalah salah s.

Pengertian Islam, iman dan ihsan | WLA 104/03 Pengajian Islam.

Pengertian Islam, iman dan ihsan. Islam dari segi bahasa berasal daripada kata dasar salama yang membawa maksud taat dan patuh, aman dan damai serta terlepas atau.

Hadis - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Hadis atau Hadith (/ ˈ h æ d ɪ θ / atau / h ɑː ˈ d iː θ /; Bahasa Arab: حديث ‎) dalam Islam penggunaan agama sering diterjemahkan sebagai "tradisi.

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Artikel '' jenis perundangan islam ''

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SHAH ALAM (Nov 3, 2009). The Selangor Islamic Department (JAIS) and the state mufti are to brief the state executive council on the arrest of former Perlis mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin tomorrow.

Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim issued the invite to the two parties today.

In a statement on Monday, Abdul Khalid said the state was aware of the public sentiment on the arrest by JAIS, which has powers that are independent of the state government to implement the Selangor Islamic Administration Enactment.

He hoped JAIS would give a reasonable explanations to the public about the incident, as there have been uncertainties and questions arising as to the nature of arrest and that they would conduct investigations in a fair manner.

The Islamic scholar’s arrest unleashed a torrent of accusations and finger pointing over who ordered it.

On Monday Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak denied that the arrest had anything to do with the federal government and shifted the blame to the Selangor state government.

Abdul Khalid and other Selangor leaders, on their part, denied any involvement, and labelled the arrest as a "ruthless act".

JAIS yesterday said that Asri’s arrest was not politically motivated and that the charge against Asri was for breaking the law by not obtaining the necessary permit for preaching on religion.

This was an offence the department had written to notify Asri about several times before, said Jais director Datuk Mohammed Khusrin Munawi.

Asri, who was arrested by JAIS enforcement officers and police on Sunday night while preaching at a private residence in Hulu Klang, has been released on bond and is yet to be charged.


Submitted by pekwan on Wednesday, November 4th, 2009.

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 08:05:00.

JABATAN Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) says that though former Perlis mufti Dr Asri Zainal Abidin was aware that he had to get Jais approval before he could give talks or preach in the State, he never made any application.

Its director, Datuk Mohammad Khusrin Munawi, who said this, denied claims that they had rejected Dr Asri’s applications. Mohd Khusrin claimed that even when Asri was Perlis mufti, he was aware of the procedures.

However, it was Asri who had never submitted any application, he said.

“We had sent the letters to every mufti to inform them of this procedure, even when he held the post of mufti in 2006. It’s impossible he was not informed of this,” Mohd Khusrin said yesterday.

On the possibility of legal action by Asri against Jais, Mohd Khusrin said that the decision was entirely up to him (Asri).

“We cannot stop people from doing what they want. If he wants to sue us no one can stop him,” él dijo.

He reiterated the statement he made at the press conference on Monday, that the arrest was based on the grounds that Asri was “not qualified” to give talks in Selangor.

Asri said he did not submit any application because he claimed when he was a mufti, Jais had allowed other muftis to give talks in Selangor but not him.

“They (Jais) had already stopped me, so how could I proceed with any application?” preguntó.

He also questioned the way the arrest was made on Sunday night.

“Why did they have to bring so many officers, as though I was the most wanted criminal for an offence like this?” preguntó.

“I wonder what was Jais’ agenda behind all this,” he said, adding that Jais’ actions just showed the limits of freedom of speech in the State.

Asri was arrested on Sunday night while giving a talk in Taman Seri Ukay, Hulu Kelang. He will most likely be charged next Monday under Section 119 of the Selangor Islamic Administration Enactment for preaching without the State’s permission.

If found guilty, he can be fined not more than RM3,000 or two years imprisonment or both.

Dr. Sharon Maza M. D.

Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine in Hackensack New Jersey.

Dr. Sharon Maza M. D. is a female health care provider in Hackensack, NJ with Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine listed as their primary specialization. Their credentials are: M. D. . They graduated from New York University School Of Medicine in 1981. They are affiliated with the following group(s): Hackensack University Medical Group Pc, Hmc Cardiac Diagnostic Service, Cardio Care Associates Llc, Holy Name Hospital Ekg Interpretation Group. Their hospital affiliations are: Holy Name Medical Center Inc, Hackensack University Medical Center. Ratings, office phone numbers, services provided, comparisons, and specializations can be viewed below.

Office Location & Contact Information.

Cardiovascular Disease Internal Medicine Definition: An internist who specializes in diseases of the heart and blood vessels and manages complex cardiac conditions such as heart attacks and life-threatening, abnormal heartbeat. Full Definition and Listings.

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Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin KUALA LUMPUR: Perlis Mufti, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin expresses his disappointment over an individual publicly demanding him to show proof of his allegation about spreading false hadiths in relation to the independent speaker, Datuk Mohd Kazim Elias.

Dr Asri or popularly known as Dr Maza through his recent Facebook status, questioned the need for Ustaz Kazim to publicly challenge him when they could have rationally discussed the issue in person.

He firmly asserts that the aim was not to humiliate anyone because the letter which was made public is an internal administrative document meant for the attention of specific individuals involved in the matter at hand.

“A better approach would have been when the letter first came out and went viral, the individual should not have posted it on Facebook but instead call me to clarify the matter first.

“As for me, I have purposely avoided any press conference and refused reporters’ request for media statements about this issue because we do not want to make it worse.

“We were disappointed when the other party involved called a press conference and challenged us to provide proof of the allegation. It is not that we do not have proof, but is there any need to publicly trade challenges when the avenue for direct discussion between us is still open?

“If the letter was originally meant to be made public, it would make sense that the other party can challenge us in public too, but this was only an internal administrative document and does not constitute an official ban,” he said in his latest Facebook entry.

Commenting further about the allegation of spreading false hadiths in relation to the ‘roti jala' description, he says that is an old issue and those involved in hadith study had previously shared their views about the matter in relation to Ustaz Kazim’s religious lectures content.

“For the ‘roti jala’ reference, it would be better for him to correct it. If this is not corrected, it could lead to the false assumption that it is the ‘Sunnah (the way of life) of Nabi Muhammad SAW to eat ‘roti jala’

“Hence in choosing the forum panelists, the department has discussed that he might not be suitable for this particular program, and not issuing a special fatwa to punish and officially ban him from giving religious talks.

“Since the matter arose, we have conveyed the message to him via a representative from JAKIM, Ustaz Zakaria, the forum chairman. I have reaffirmed my stance that there is no personal agenda here and there is no official ban,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Ustaz Kazim through his Facebook status today also questioned Dr Maza’s credibility in relation to issuing a false statement based on his fake Twitter account.

“When we ask him to provide proof, he gives us this proof from a fake account, what is this? The proof is not credible” 그는 말했다.

"Rasa Seperti di Rumah Sendiri" - SO7.

Apakata rakan blogger?

"calon blogger berseni dalam bertempur alam maya" (Panglima Perang Cyber).

" have highlighted some intelligent & good points. You are true Malaysian" (Edward Skading).

"Cikgu ni selalu buat cerita yang tersirat dan bukannya yang tersurat" (Sedingin Salju)

"apabila sesuatu blog itu mempunyai keunikan tersendiri, maka saya pasti akan ingat sampai bila-bila"(Muhammad Azli Shukri)

"sungguh berseni tulisan tuan hamba.."(Al-Azharri Siddiq Haji Kamunri)

"Tahniah, blog cheguman masuk paper Sinar harian Melaka/NS 18 Ogos 08".(Harimau-Menaip). "

Cheguman adalah TYDP 1 Blogger Pembela Negara.

Demang lihat mahu tidak mahu najib akan berundur juga dalam masa terdekat akibat tekanan berterusan. Alangkan banduan akhir lagikan diberi.

Tikaman haba mentari jam 9.45 pagi tidak melunturkan semangat Pak Harun mengemas tanaman. Ranting dan dahan dipangkas supaya lebih kemas. Da.

'Posting' Demang kali ini memang lain dari yang lain. Maksud Demang belum pernah Demang tulis begini dalam waadat. Memangpun. Sura.

Siapa dalang di sebalik kebocoran dan penyebaran kertas UPSR 2014 sebelum masanya? Terkini Demang mendapat berita beberapa individu di Pula.

Minggu lepas Demang hadir taklimat Penilaian Tingkatan Tiga atau PT3 yang diperkenal Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia bagi menggantikan PMR.

Sebenarnya kisah ‘Tegur-Menegur’ semalam ada sambungannya. Namun sekali lagi ‘gadget’ Demang buat hal. Dia dah tak mahu berkomunikasi dengan.

Demang percaya peribahasa ada udang di sebalik batu sudah acap kita dengar. Setahu Demang ia bermaksud tindakan seseorang berbuat baik keran.

PEMBAYARAN LEBIH MUDAH UNTUK PELANGGAN CELCOM! Ya, jika anda pengguna Celcom anda boleh membuat bayaran dengan mudah menggunakan telefon mud.

Sudah lama benar tidak ke Teluk Intan. "Telok Ensen" kata arwah Tokwan Demang. Maka melilaulah Demang mencari hospital kerana mene.

Demang percaya, selepas isu kangkung dan Jepun, negara akan dimeriahkan pula dengan irama sate kajang. Bab pesta-pestaan, bab ejek-ejekan.

Demang Lebar Daun.

Beliau adalah negarawan ulung yang mengasaskan sistem pemerintahan Melayu beraja. Tokoh hebat yang sepatutnya menjadi idola setiap orang Melayu. Demang Lebar Daun sedar tentang kuasa. Baginda melihat politik dari sudut yang tidak mampu dilihat meski oleh manusia yang mengaku berada dalam zaman yang hebat seperti kita ini.

Demang Lebar Daun adalah moyang orang Melayu. Tetes darahnya mengalir dalam zuriat Melayu kekal hingga ke hari ini.

Sistem yang diasaskan baginda sebenarnya relevan untuk sepanjang zaman. Cuma orang Melayu sering dikelirukan oleh musuh sehingga ada dalam kalangan orang Melayu sendiri yang kurang percaya pada kaum sendiri.

Penyair Dari Gunung.

Akulah penyair yang turun dari gunung Beratus tahun telah kududuk di situ Beratus-ratus tahun Kini kuturun ke lembah, melihat manusia Kecil miskin, lagi hina Mereka hidup melata-lata Tanganmu kugenggam kujulang keudara Akan kujeritkan bagaikan halilintar Kebebasan abadi Akan kita susun perbarisan Menjulang keadilan Milik kita, milik semua Kita hidup bahagia.

Pernah lihat tumbuhan ini? (klik foto)

Pengkalan (mulai Feb '09)

Pada aku ini hanyalah persepsi. - *Tun Mahathir ditolak orang Umno tetapi diterima Rakyat.* Sejujurnya. Setelah langkah progresif Tun M yang keluar Umno aku telah melihat kali ini Tun bukan.

Visión de conjunto.

Dr. Sharon Maza, MD, is a Cardiovascular Disease (Cardiology) Specialist in Hackensack, New Jersey. She attended and graduated with honors from New York University School Of Medicine in 1981, having over 35 years of diverse experiences. She does affiliate with many hospitals including Hackensack University Medical Center. Dr. Sharon Maza accepts Medicare approved amount as payment in full. Call Dr. Sharon Maza by (201) 488-1320 to request information (prescription, payment. ) or simply book an appointment.

Address: 83 Summit Ave, Rear Suite Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-1262.

Fax: (201) 488-1596.

83 Summit Ave, Rear Suite Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-1262 Phone: (201) 488-1320 Fax: (201) 488-1596 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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395 Main St Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-5806 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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50 Polifly Rd Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-3287 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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155 Polifly Rd Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-1758 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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20 Prospect Ave Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-1962 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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90 Prospect Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-1909 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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5 Summit Ave Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-8503 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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25 E Salem St Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-7429 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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60 2nd St Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-2050 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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385 Prospect Ave Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-2570 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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360 Essex St Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-8554 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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336 Prospect Ave Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-2506 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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301 Union St Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-4304 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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30 Prospect Ave Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-1914 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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10 1st St Hackensack, New Jersey 07601-2011 Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

토요일 - 일요일 : 휴무.

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This doctor profile was updated by using data source from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) which is publicized on February 18, 2016 . If you found out that something incorrect and want to change it, please follow this Update Data guide.

Contact Dr. Sharon Maza by phone: (201) 488-1320 for detailed information, verfication or book an appointment before going to there.

Dr. Sharon Maza [NPI: 1164507919] Cardiovascular Disease (Cardiology) . Internal Medicine.

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Sallah & Cox, LLC Announce That a Jury Clears Dr. Sebastian De La Maza of Insider Trading Charges.

updated 6/14/2011 11:46:48 AM ET 2011-06-14T15:46:48.

BOCA RATON, Fla. June 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The law firm of Sallah & Cox, LLC ( sallahcox. com ) is pleased to announce that Dr. Sebastian De La Maza, a prominent Miami psychiatrist, was cleared by a jury of any wrongdoing late Monday in an insider trading case brought by the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission in federal court in Miami. ( Securities and Exchange Commission v. De La Maza, et al . Case No. 09-21977-Civ-McAliley).

After a two-week trial in Miami, the jury found that Dr. Sebastian De La Maza, age 73, did not engage in insider trading by purchasing stock issued by Miami-based Neff Corp. only weeks before the company was acquired by Odyssey Investment Partners in 2005. Dr. De La Maza, according to the SEC's complaint, allegedly learned about the acquisition from his daughter, who is married to Neff's former CEO.

The trial was one of the first insider trading cases to be heard by a jury sitting in the Southern District of Florida in nearly a decade. Dr. De La Maza, who was represented by James D. Sallah, Esq. and Jeffrey L. Cox, Esq. adamantly denied the allegations and presented evidence at trial that he had a seven-year history of closely following and trading Neff, and that his purchases prior to Neff's acquisition were consistent with his trading history. Dr. De La Maza's attorney, James D. Sallah, Esq. stated, "Dr. De La Maza is pleased to have been vindicated by a jury of his peers and is thankful that the truth prevailed."

During his closing argument, Dr. De La Maza's counsel, Jeffrey L. Cox, Esq. asked the jury "to not let the government write his history and legacy with baseless allegations." Despite the SEC's arguments, it took the jury a little more than one hour to determine that Dr. De La Maza was not liable for insider trading. The defense verdict is the culmination of a federal investigation and litigation spanning nearly half of a decade. Earlier this year, Sallah & Cox also successfully defended Dr. De La Maza in a private, shareholder suit in federal court in Miami based on the same allegations, which was dismissed by the Court on different grounds. ( Kamin et al. v. Acord, et al. . Case No. 09-22829-Civ-Jordan). After the jury verdict, Dr. De La Maza stated that he is "happy to finally have this chapter closed forever."

Sallah & Cox, LLC is a boutique law firm focusing on securities regulatory matters, broker-dealer and investment advisor regulation, white-collar criminal defense, and securities arbitration and litigation. The firm aggressively represents clients throughout the nation. The firm consists of three attorneys, James D. Sallah, Esq. Jeffrey L. Cox, Esq. and Joshua A. Katz, Esq. who all contributed to the successful outcome of this matter.

Founding partners James D. Sallah, Esq. and Jeffrey L. Cox, Esq. are former SEC Enforcement attorneys. In addition, Mr. Sallah is a former Assistant Corporate Counsel for a national brokerage firm and Mr. Cox is a former Assistant United States Attorney responsible for prosecuting economic crimes.

For additional information or to further discuss this matter, you may contact either:

James D. Sallah, Esq.

Jeffrey L. Cox, Esq.

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Ustaz Kazim and Dr Maza bury the hatchet during a dinner function. Photo: Dr Maza's Facebook KUALA LUMPUR . After almost a week trading accusations publicly via social media, popular Islamic preachers, Datuk Mohd Kazim Elias and Datuk Dr Mohd Asri have finally decided to bury the hatchet yesterday.

Both preachers have confirmed the news by sharing recent photographs of them sitting together at the same table in a dinner function.

In the picture, Dr Asri or better known as Dr Maza is seen smiling and shaking hands, welcoming Ustaz Kazim who joined him at the dinner function.

“Let's share a meal and enjoy the moment.

“Praise be to Allah, I am welcoming tonight’s special guest Datuk Kazim Elias in Kangar Perlis,” he wrote in his Facebook status yesterday.

The Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizudin Jamalullail also graced the function with his presence.

Before this, both preachers provoked a controversy over a misunderstanding that originated from an internal letter written by Dr Maza stating his disagreement with the choice of Ustaz Kazim as one of the panelist for the Hal Ehwal Perdana Islam programme that will be held in Perlis.

According to Dr Maza, his opinion was made because Ustaz Kazim was allegedly spreading false hadiths of Rasulullah SAW.

Following the incident, both preachers proceeded to wage a 'war of words' on social media.

However, Dr Maza who is also the Perlis Mufti stated in his latest Facebook status entry that differences of opinions should not be the reason for anyone to keep on fighting.

“As individuals, we have the right to hold different opinions. We also have the right to express our views and facts that we believe as accurate.

“But at the same time, we should strive to maintain good relationships among Muslims as well as among the community. Having differences of opinion should not keep us at loggerheads forever.

“We can hold different views and disagree but still stand united in Islamic solidarity so we can sit together, share a meal and enjoy the moment,” he said in his latest Facebook status entry.

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Written by: zooma . 30 May 2009 7:34 AM.

From: United States, and Dominican Republic.

Yes, remember the good ol days when every home had a framed picture of the Jefe in the living room that said "In this house Trujillo is the boss". Living under the Trujillo regime one was a prisoner in their own home for fear that if they ventured away from home they would be accused by a neighbor, store owner, teacher, or stranger of some wrong-doing, you did not know who to trust. Children grew up not knowing the difference between fear and respect.

Antonio de Maza put an end to it.

Written by: Amber . 30 May 2009 12:12 PM.

From: United States.

Probably most of you have seen this poem, written by César A Jiménez, that was published in the "El Caribe" newspaper shortly after Trujillo's death. When they realized that it was an acrostic, they seized all the copies they could find, but my parents managed to hide theirs and to this day, still have it.

Recordando tu Estampa.

Amigo y gobernante, patriota y compañero soldado y estadista, perínclito mentor, espada victoriosa de innúmeras conquistas señor de la esperanza del pobre agricultor; insigne fue tu vida, gloriosa fue tu muerte no en vano fuiste grande, serás perennemente orgullo de Quisqueya la tierra del amor.

Y. un hado misterioso surcó la noche. y luego.

La patria está de luto, solloza y se estremece, angustia y desconsuelo se esparcen por doquier, dolor, desesperanza. suspiros y tristezas. rumor de mil lamentos pidiéndote volver. oscura está la noche. más vamos siempre avante nosotros recordando t.

Written by: Amber . 30 May 2009 12:14 PM.

From: United States.

Somehow the last line got cut off It shoud read: nosotros recordando tu estampa Rafael.

From: Dominican Republic.

Trujillo is dead but his spirit, atittude, and dominicanism lives on! I am tire of the homosexual Leonel getting plugged by the foreigners!

I am tire of the feeble, sick, impotent, corrupt, expensive, fustrated, dumb, and idiot Republic (President + Congress + SCJ + JCE) that rules DR!

It is time for a Patriotic dictatorship to take the helm, enforce the Constitution, and reverse the destruction, corrosion, robberies, violence, violation, and abandoment that is regurlaly incurred on DRY by the current administration. Environmental protection and protection of our domestic market instead of "renaming streets" or giving economic and political power to the illegal under the umbrella of human rights or worker's rights!

From: Dominican Republic.

The bloodiest was Ulisses Hereaux! But today's Republic has the most bloodiest civilian against civilian crimes (and even between armed personnel and civilians) than any other political administration that ruled DR EVER (more than 2,000 Dominican die yearly from crimes in DR)!


Written by: willmo . 30 May 2009 5:16 PM.

From: Dominican Republic.

"Antonio de la Maza and a select group of brave men finally ended the life of the tyrant on May 30, 1961, liberating the country from the monster who held the Dominican people in terror during 31 years."

와이. Eh What Has happened after that? Nothing good for the people of the Dominican Republic. We have had several monsters looting the country.

From: Dominican Republic.

"mission to liberate the country and spur its nationalism drove him. & Quot; FALSE information! During the Trujillo regime, Nationalism was extremely high. Now, DR is being eroded by international agencies and countries. DR is also being diluted and polluted by foreigners and their culture! And our diaspora is being absorbed by other cultures.

The concept of Dominicanism is disappearing in front of our eyes!

I will not be celebrating that stupid 5/30/1961! You can go ahead and kiss this catalyst of Dominican destruction!

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